Support BooksOpen

Thank you for considering to support BooksOpen. We are an official 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit corporation (EIN: 27-0293059).  We run the project without pay and have the assistance of friends in Tanzania to organize for the children throughout the school-year. We continue to direct nearly 100% of contributions directly to the children and report back to you on their progress.

At the moment, we are focusing all of our attention on (1) raising funds to support our four existing BooksOpen Scholars through the 2024 school-year, (2) raising capital reserves, and (3) purchasing course-relevant books for the children.

We want BooksOpen to be a collaborative effort, and encourage all supporters to contribute suggestions to the foundation.

Just click on the ‘Donate’ icon above to make a hassle-free donation through Paypal.  We have recently moved and are updating our mailing address soon.

Let’s turn around another young life!

Asante sana (Thank you)

– The BooksOpen Folks